New England Valentine Ricker Feb23 Needlecraft Poem Lowres
New England Valentine Ricker Feb23 Needlecraft Poem Lowres

A New England Valentine, Poem By Ella W. Ricker

A New England Valentine is a poem by Ella W. Ricker, published in the February 1923 issue of Needlecraft Magazine.

A New England Valentine

Ella W. Ricker, 1923

In this bleak and barren season,
     With its chill and voiceless air,
Whence the glow and charm have vanished
     That once made the earth so fair,
Who will tell my love the story,
     Who the tender message bear?

Fleecy snowflakes, wreathing softly
     Round her window in the night,
Let my voice breathe through your stillness,
     As she comes to greet the light;
Say "My love is pure and stainless
     As these airy shapes of white."

Trees, whose brown and leafless branches
     Wave above her sunny head,
Let these words of truth eternal
     By your swelling buds be said
"Love is changeless and immortal,
     Living still, though seeming dead."

Stars, that flash with fadeless luster
      In Night's diadem of gold,
Symbols of a quenchless passion,
     To her gaze my heart unfold
Till ye pass from sight forever,
     Never shall my love grow cold.

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