Buttercups And Daisies Ella W Ricker 1880 Golden Hours Webres

Buttercups and Daisies is a poem by Ella W. Ricker, published in Golden Hours: Magazine for Boys and Girls, Volume 7 in 1880.

Buttercups and Daisies

Ella W. Ricker, 1880

BUTTERCUPS and daisies stand amid the grass,
Lifting their bright faces to greet us as we pass ;
Beckoning and nodding, soon as we appear;
Waving us a welcome while we linger near.

Buttercups and daisies, blossoms gold and
       white ;
Lighting gloomy places, making earth so

Spangling all the meadows, climbing all the
Crowding on the margin of the little rills.

Many are the subjects of Queen Flora's reign;
Many are the handmaids following in her
But of all the flowerets blooming far and near,
Can you tell of any that are held more dear?

Buttercups And Daisies Ella W Ricker 1880 Golden Hours Webres

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  1. Trying to find poem which starts:
    I know a field, where in the spring, a myriad of buttercups dance and sing.

    Can you help please ?
    PG Honey

    1. Hi Patrick, I am not familiar with that poem but if I come across it in my old book travels I will let you know! Do you have any idea when it might have been published?

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